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Quercus Sports' Scholar, Chris Mintern, wins National Triathlon Championships

28 Jun 2016
Quercus Sports' Scholar Chris Mintern

Last weekend in Kilkee, Co. Clare, Chris Mintern, Quercus Sports’ Scholar and final year Maths Science student, won the Standard Distance National Championships after winning the Hell of the West Triathlon.

The famously tough race was the second in this year's Super Series and doubled-up as the 2016 National Championship over the Standard (Olympic) distance. Competitors battled with a wild sea on the 1,500m swim, faced in to stiff winds along the West Clare coast on the 44km bike route and finally tackled a hilly and exposed 10km run along the cliffs to the south of Kilkee.

Congratulations Chris!


Quercus Talented Students' Programme

G31, The Hub,
