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Aoife Casey Sizzles in the Single Sculls in Munich

14 Aug 2022
Quercus Sports' Scholar and Medical & Health Sciences student, Aoife Casey, in the A Final of the Women's Single Sculls at the European Championships

To row out on your own against the worlds best takes a certain type of person, and that person is our Sports' Scholar, Aoife Casey! Aoife competed in the Single Schulls at the European Championships last week and she did UCC and herself proud.

Aoife won her repechage on Friday to qualify for the A Final on Sunday.

In the A Final Aoife put on an emphatic push in the last 1,000m to chase down those in the medal positions. She ate into the leaders times like a Pac-Man but in the end she just missed out on the bronze medal, claimed by the Netherlands, by 1.48 seconds! The Silver went to Greece and the Gold went to Romania. 

Though we have always been in admiration of Aoife's talent, with this performance the rest of the world now knows that Aoife is no ordinary lightweight! 

Quercus Talented Students' Programme

G31, The Hub,
