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Active Citizenship scholar Jacqui Walsh wins research internship in China

24 Apr 2015
Quercus scholar Jacqui Walsh

Congratulations to Jacqui Walsh who has just won the inaugral IEL Travel Award to China. 

The EIL Travel Awards allow people the opportunity to apply for a fully funded cultural adventure and volunteering opportunity to locations such as China, Japan, Ecuador, Mexico, Thailand and Vermont (USA), among others. The aim of the EIL Travel Awards is to support people who have a history of voluntary involvment in their school, college or community. EIL wants to give these people an experience beyond tourism, an experience that encourages open mindedness, global awareness and self improvement.

The Travel Awards are for people who have demonstrated, or who believe they can demonstrate, leadership potential.

Jacqui will be in Shanghai for 10 weeks over the summer and we wish her the best of luck.

Quercus Talented Students' Programme

G31, The Hub,
