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Launch of HIV Psychosocial Care Survey

14 Mar 2022
The fully anonymous survey is open until June 20th 2022.

A national survey is being launched to identify the barriers and facilitators to psychosocial care for people living with HIV in Ireland.

The short survey (approximately 5 minutes) is available in English, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese.

Psychosocial health extends beyond physical well-being, encompassing the mental, emotional, and social wellbeing of a person. The past two decades have seen significant advancements in our understanding and treatment of HIV, meaning that psychosocial needs have become increasingly central to care. People living with HIV are disproportionately affected by psychosocial stress, and research shows HIV-related stigma still persists in Ireland; a known barrier to engagement in healthcare, associated with poor social and psychological health.

The fully anonymous survey will collect vital information on how people living with HIV in Ireland view social support, service accessibility, HIV status disclosure, COVID-19 etc. The survey outcomes will be used to inform future research and development.

The survey is open until June 20th 2022.

Further information can be found at the survey link:

The research is part of a HRB funded SPHeRE Doctoral Project by Aoife Burke, Professor Ella Arensman, Dr Martin Davoren and Dr Janas Harrington, School of Public Health, National Suicide Research Foundation, University College Cork and the Sexual Health Centre.

Aoife Burke 

For more on this story contact:

Aoife Burke at:


School of Public Health

Scoil na Sláinte Poiblí

4th Floor, Western Gateway Building, Western Road,
