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Covid-19: Estimating the impact of public health measures on physical, mental and social wellbeing

28 May 2020

University College Cork and Ipsos MRBI, a market research company, are conducting a national survey funded by the Health Research Board to estimate the impact of public health measures due to Covid-19: “Covid-19: Estimating the impact of public health measures on physical, mental and social wellbeing”

The research is led by the School of Public Health in UCC and the National Suicide Research Foundation, in collaboration with Ipsos MRBI, the School of Applied Psychology, the School of Applied Social Studies, and the Department of Applied Mathematics, UCC.

Following the emergence of Covid-19 and its pandemic spread, Ireland in common with countries worldwide, has implemented unprecedented physical distancing measures to contain the virus and reduce its impact, including a national stay at home order and travel restrictions for all except for those involved in health and other essential services.

The purpose of this research project is to examine the impact and sustainability of these physical distancing measures to inform policy makers in Ireland and other countries on how best to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. A short telephone survey with a random sample of people living in Ireland will be conducted.

Through gathering information on peoples’ experience of the physical distancing measures, this project aims to improve our understanding of the impacts of these measures on reducing the spread of Covid-19 and on people’s wellbeing.

You will be asked to complete a short telephone survey to share your knowledge and attitudes to Covid-19 and to answer questions about your social, physical and psychological wellbeing. Other Information will be collected, such as details of your age and gender, your occupation and employment status, the number of people living in your household and your potential exposures related to Covid-19.

In addition, the survey covers questions relating to depressive symptoms, anxiety, and recent stressful events adversities. If some of these questions trigger certain emotions, we recommend that you speak with a health or mental health professional or someone from your social network. Below we highlight relevant helplines and resources that could be of use in such situations.

Participation in this research is voluntary. If you decide to take part, you will be asked to provide verbal consent that will confirm your decision. You will be asked to complete a short telephone survey, which will take approximately 20 minutes of your time. You are free to withdraw from the study and request that your data be deleted at any time during the interview, even if you have already agreed to take part, and you do not have to provide a reason for not wishing to continue. If you decide to withdraw, you can do so at any time during the conduct of the interview by informing the interviewer.

The study has been approved by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of the Cork University Teaching Hospitals.

Helplines and other resources

Aware: 1800 804 848 (from 10 am to 10 pm Monday to Sunday)

Samaritans: 116 123 (24/7)

Consider contacting your General Practitioner if necessary


For more on this story contact:

University College Cork

Email: Professor Ivan Perry, Professor Ella Arensman, Dr Isabela Troya with “Covid-19 Ipsos Survey” in the email subject line

School of Public Health
Western Gateway Building
T12 XF62

Ipsos MRBI

Email: with “UCC Covid-19 Survey” in the email subject line

UCC Covid-19 Survey Data Protection Officer
Ipsos MRBI
Block 3
Blackrock Business Park
Co Dublin

School of Public Health

Scoil na Sláinte Poiblí

4th Floor, Western Gateway Building, Western Road,
