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UCC students receive Macnab-Lacey Prize from IChemE All Ireland Chair

31 Mar 2022
Pictured are Sarah Kelleher, Sarah O Leary, Ross Dunphy, Anshul Nama and Daniel Maguire receiving their award certificates from Philip Healy, who warmly congratulated the student team on their achievement. Malik Zaidan was also a member of the winning team.

The winning UCC student Macnab-Lacey design project team received their award at the UCC Process and Chemical Engineering Annual Awards evening in the Aula Max on 29th March 2022 from IChemE All Ireland Chair Philip Healy of PM Group. The prize is awarded annually by the IChemE's Sustainability Subject Interest Group to the undergraduate student design project team whose design project submission best shows how chemical engineering practice can contribute to a more sustainable world.

The UCC team were joint winners for 2021 with the University of Manchester.

Process and Chemical Engineering

Innealtóireacht Próiseas agus Cheimiceach

Room 312, 3rd floor, Food Science Building, University College Cork
