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IChemE President visits UCC

9 May 2017
Professor Jonathan Seville, 76th President of the IChemE during his talk to UCC Process & Chemical Engineering students and staff

On Monday, 8th May 2017, the department of Process & Chemical Engineering, UCC were honoured by a visit from the current IChemE President, Professor Jonathan Seville.

Prof Seville delivered a lecture to Chemical Engineering faculty and students entitled “Why Chemical Engineers (Like You!) Need an Institution”. He was accompanied by Neil Atkinson, Director of Qualifications & International Development at IChemE and Neil Young, UK Membership and Marketing Development Manager.

To mark the historic occasion of the first time that an IChemE President had visited UCC, he and his colleagues were each presented a copy of the definitive history of UCC as a memento. 

UCC President Prof Patrick O’Shea took time out from his busy schedule to meet with the IChemE President. Prof Seville also met with Prof Liam Marnane, Head of the School of Engineering, and Prof Paul Ross, Head of the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science, before the visitors travelled to Eli Lilly in Kinsale where Lilly were presented with the Gold Corporate Partner certificate in recognition of their IChemE corporate partnership.

The visit altogether emphasised the importance of the Chemical Engineering profession and discipline to UCC, and the mutual value of links with both the IChemE and local industry partners.


Professor Patrick O’Shea, President of UCC gives Chemical Engineering the thumbs up


Professor Patrick O’Shea, President of UCC gives Chemical Engineering the thumbs up! ..pictured in his office with Professor Edmond Byrne, Chair of Process & Chemical Engineering, UCC and Professor Jonathan Seville, President IChemE. 

For more on this story contact:

Anne-Marie McSweeney, Process & Chemical Engineering, UCC on and +353 (21) 490 2389.

Process and Chemical Engineering

Innealtóireacht Próiseas agus Cheimiceach

Room 312, 3rd floor, Food Science Building, University College Cork
