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FUNDED MEng Position Available - apply now!

13 May 2014
MEng Position Available

MEng Position Available - Development of risk assessment tools of package/product systems for a safe and sustainable food chain "RISKTOOLS"

Project Description: Using predictive models of product metabolisms, molecular mass transfer and microbial growth, a software based system can predict the composition of the atmosphere inside a package in real‐life conditions and the consequences in terms of quality and, especially, safety. The aims of this project are (1) to review conditions in food supply chains (2) to develop numerical simulations to assess the effect of cold chain environmental conditions in the mass transfer of 3 different types of packaged fresh food (strawberries, mushrooms and fresh cheese) (3) to develop predictive models that are able to forecast the package gas composition of those fresh foods and to (4) predict quality losses and microbial growth. The tools developed will be then used for integrating the information into a quality by design framework (QbD) and develop (5) a number of case studies to demonstrate the approach. The tools developed by this project will allow food manufacturers, retailers and regulators to go beyond the factory and ensure quality and safety for the consumer.

Student Requirements: A BE/BSc Hons in Food Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Computing, Applied Physics or related area with a minimum 2.1 award is required.

Benefits: The scholarship has a value of €22,000 per annum, from which fees must be paid.

Applications: (Curriculum Vitae and a Cover Letter referring to “RISKTOOLS”) should be sent by email (, to Dr Maria Gallagher, School of Engineering, Process & Chemical Engineering, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. Deadline to Receive Applications: Monday, 26th May 2014.

Process and Chemical Engineering

Innealtóireacht Próiseas agus Cheimiceach

Room 312, 3rd floor, Food Science Building, University College Cork
