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ESB International talk to Final Year Process & Chemical students

30 Sep 2015
Mr Adrian Dennehy, ESB International

On the 28th of September Mr Adrian Dennehy presented a lecture on “Due Diligence In Engineering” to Process & Chemical Engineering students at University College Cork as part of their Final Year Degree,  Advanced Process Design Module.  


The lecture highlighted the engineering considerations for a biomass project which is complicated by a number of technical factors associated with the biomass fuel sources, fuel availability and fuel quality and their impacts on plant design e.g. boiler design and abatement systems.  Non-technical issues include complex contractual arrangements to ensure a reliable, homogenous fuel supply, interface agreements between respective contracting parties, and conditions relating to environmental requirements.


Dr. Denis Ring the Module Lecturer introduced Mr. Adrian Dennehy to the students as a Chartered Chemical Engineer who has spent 16 years working in Pharmaceuticals and Power Generation on projects throughout the world.  For the last six years, Adrian has worked for ESB International supporting existing and new build projects as well as completing many technical due diligence assessments of new and operating power plants.  Mr. Adrian Dennehy is a committee member of the British and Irish Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (BIAPWS) and the Institute of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) All Ireland Member Group and is currently completing an MSc in Technology Management. 

Process and Chemical Engineering

Innealtóireacht Próiseas agus Cheimiceach

Room 312, 3rd floor, Food Science Building, University College Cork
