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Engineering IS the Future!

15 Apr 2014

Listen to what Engineers say about careers in Engineering! Great job prospects, fantastic salaries, interesting and varied careers, and a chance to make the world a better place ... what are you waiting for? Choose CK601 for Process & Chemical; CK602 for Civil & Environmental; CK603 for Energy and CK605 for Electrical & Electronic and start your future TODAY!

A mini documentary for school children investigating career opportunities in engineering and where STEM subjects can take you. Get the scoop from successful engineers and scientists at BP, TRW, Baker Hughes, the Bloodhound Project and ARUP as well as Professor Dame Anne Dowling, head of engineering at Cambridge University.  


For more videos and unbiased accounts of careers in engineering, visit

Process and Chemical Engineering

Innealtóireacht Próiseas agus Cheimiceach

Room 312, 3rd floor, Food Science Building, University College Cork
