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8 1st year students awarded UCC Quercus Entrance Scholarships - 5 from Process & Chem!

19 Dec 2016
UCC Students

A huge WELL DONE to the following 1st year Engineering students, who have been awarded UCC Quercus Entrance Scholarships at a ceremony which took place on 7th December 2016.

David Moloney, John The Baptist Community School, Hospital, Co Limerick; Engineering.
Conor Healy, Colaiste An Chraoibhin, Fermoy, Co Cork; Electrical & Electronic.
Conor Steele, Colaiste An Chraoibhin, Fermoy, Co Cork; Process & Chemical.
David Murphy, St Fachtna's De La Salle, Skibbereen, Co Cork; Process & Chemical.
Alannah Hill, Kinsale Community School, Kinsale, Co Cork; Process & Chemical.
William Hennessy, Christian Brothers College, Sidney Hill, Cork; Engineering.
Timothy O'Sullivan, Christian Brothers College, Sidney Hill, Cork; Process & Chemical.
Colm Power, Christian Brothers College, Sidney Hill, Cork; Process & Chemical.

Quercus Talented Students' Programme

Excellence underpins everything we do at UCC, and the University recognises exceptional students when they join, as well as those that develop their talents while studying here. To this end, we created the Quercus Talented Students' Programme. This programme offers prospective and current students the opportunity to apply for scholarships in the following areas:

  • Academic
  • Active Citizenship
  • Creative and Performing Arts
  • Innovation/Entrepreneurship
  • Sport

Scholarship application forms and further information is available on

Process and Chemical Engineering

Innealtóireacht Próiseas agus Cheimiceach

Room 312, 3rd floor, Food Science Building, University College Cork
