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President's News

University of Oulu Visit to UCC – Boosting Mobility and Inclusion

3 Nov 2022
Prof John O'Halloran and Prof Jouku Niinimaki

University College Cork welcomed Professor Jouku Niinimäki, Rector of Oulu University in Finland and Dr Johanna Bluemink, Director of Development at the University of Oulu, to campus on Thursday, 3 November.

Professor Niinimäki and Dr Bluemink are visiting to explore deeper collaboration between Oulu and UCC within the UNIC European University Alliance.

UNIC is the European University of Post-Industrial Cities, an alliance of 10 universities committed to boosting mobility and inclusion for societal impact. Shared themes across the alliance include superdiversity, sustainability, engaged research and city links. Our partner universities in UNIC, along with University of Oulu, are: Koç University (Istanbul), Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Deusto (Bilbao), University of Liège, Ruhr University Bochum, University of Zagreb, University of Lodz, and Malmö University.

This visit provided an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between our universities, but also between the two cities of Cork and Oulu. International links such as these are more important than ever to address current global challenges.

-              Professor John O'Halloran, President of UCC

The visit coincided with UNIC Open Day at UCC, an initiative by the UNIC Student Board to show what UNIC has to offer for UCC students.


President's Office

Oifig an Uachtaráin

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, Western Road , Cork T12 K8AF
