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Sustainable Communities mural unveiled at UCC

2 Nov 2021

A new mural, Sustainable Communities, by Cork-based artist Kevin O’Brien, was unveiled on campus this week.  The mural represents a positive vision of a sustainable city and depicts Cork against an imagined future version of itself. 

Signs beside the mural ask common questions around climate change such as:

  • Come on, what can Cork city really do? This city is too small to have any impact on climate change.
  • I’m just one person, it’s too late, I can’t make a difference.
  • Will Ireland see a change to its biodiversity in the years to come?
  • I'm from a village in the countryside. How do I help my community?

It is important that we point to solutions and work with communities in the urgent challenge that faces us all. This mural seeks to inspire thinking, encourage conversations and provoke action to create communities that work with our environment in securing a sustainable future.

- Professor John O’Halloran, President of UCC.

As the UN global climate change summit, COP26, gets underway this week in Glasgow, the unveiling of this mural is especially pertinent. UCC, as the only Irish university with official observer status at COP26, will send a delegation of 8 researchers and students to Glasgow. In what is seen as a crucial meeting, the summit (October 31 - November 12) will bring nations together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement (COP21 2015) and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to limit the levels of global warming and climate change. The UCC delegation has been organised by a working group established by President O'Halloran and chaired by Professor Brian O'Gallachóir, who will lead the UCC delegation to COP26. UCC's delegation of climate change experts and students will make its way to Glasgow in a low carbon manner (by boat and train). UCC will also be represented as part of the Irish Government's delegation which includes Dr Marguerite Nyhan as an invited member.


President's Office

Oifig an Uachtaráin

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, Western Road , Cork, T12 K8AF
