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PPI Ignite Network@ UCC invests €11,000 to seed fund six PPI initiatives.

20 Dec 2023

This funding will give researchers an opportunity to significantly enhance Public and Patient (PPI) activities conducted across the University and amongst wider society. The theme for 2023 is Development/ establishment of innovative and meaningful Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) Partnerships.

Six projects and initiatives were funded in total. The wide variety of projects all address foundation work in PPI and focus on establishing and developing PPI relationships with different communities, including people living with Intellectual Disability, Dementia, Aphasia and Cystic Fibrosis. 

The funding represents an important opportunity for researchers to build connections and relationships with individuals with lived experience of the topics they research. An activity which can be difficult to gain funding from traditional research funding streams. Speaking about the scheme, successful applicant Dr Anne-Marie Martin said- "It is so important that the voices of people with severe/profound intellectual disability and those who communicate in alternative ways are heard in research. This will really support making this happen." 


Successful initiatives and lead applicants are as following:

Dr Anne- Marie Martin, School of Nursing and Midwifery.

PPI POWER (Planning Our Work with Equity and Respect)

Identifying and documenting the positive and challenging issues of PPI with people with intellectual disabilities while working together to prepare a HRB grant application.

John Hastings, School of Clinical Therapies.

Establishing a PPI panel to embed PPI in the learning, teaching and research agenda of the School of Clinical Therapies (SCT).

Dr Ann Doherty, Department of General Practice

Video Initiative for Supporting Informed Outreach and Networking- Dementia Engagement and Advocacy in Research (VISION-DEAR)

Dr Helen Kelly, School of Clinical Therapies

The Development of Accessible Medication Information for People with Aphasia

Dr Tamara Vagg. Cork Centre for Cystic Fibrosis (3CF)

Let's Talk CF: Establishing a Public Patient Involvement Panel within the Cork Centre for Cystic Fibrosis. 

Mary Cronin, Inclusion Health Research Group, College of Medicine and Health. 

Establishment of an Inclusion Health Network in Cork through a Co-design World Café Event


Congratulations to all successful applicants and we look forward to seeing these initiatives progress! 


For more information on individual projects, please contact

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PPI Ignite Network@UCC

4th Floor Western Gateway Building, University College Cork, T12 XF62
