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PPI Ignite Network@ UCC celebrates inaugural PPI festival.

24 Oct 2022

The first National Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) Festival took place from the 10th-23rd October 2022.

 PPI can be described as research done ‘with’ or ‘by’ members of the public rather than ‘to’, ‘about’ or ‘for’ them. The tagline for the inaugural festival was Public & patient involvement: connecting communities. As part of the festival, over 50 events were held by PPI Ignite lead sites, PPI groups, research teams, charities and patient organisations all over the country.

PPI Ignite Network@ UCC hosted several successful events aimed at researchers and members of the public. The aim of these events was to increase awareness and knowledge of PPI and celebrate the fantastic progress and innovation in PPI in Irish research. The first year of the festival was an overwhelming success with over 200 researchers and members of the public attending in-person events here in UCC. This success highlights the increasing appetite and momentum for PPI across the University and beyond.

PPI Ignite Network@ UCC is part of the National PPI Ignite Network and aims to build capacity for high-quality PPI within UCC and amongst wider society and to embed PPI within our institutional policies and practices. The National PPI Ignite Network is funded by the Health Research Board and Irish Research Council and seven HEI’s across Ireland.

For more information about PPI and PPI Ignite Network@ UCC, visit or email Dr Emmy Racine, Programme Manager

PPI Ignite Network@UCC

4th Floor Western Gateway Building, University College Cork, T12 XF62
