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Horizon 2020 - The Advocate Project

25 Jun 2015

Dr Noel Woods, Lecturer in Economics at the Centre for Policy Studies UCC, has received news that the ADVOCATE project, of which he is the Ireland Principle Investigator, has been awarded a €6 million grant from the European Commission.

The ADVOCATE project - €6 million grant funded under the Horizon 2020 programme

25th June 2015

Dr Noel Woods, Lecturer in Economics at the Centre for Policy Studies UCC, has received news that the ADVOCATE project, of which he is the Ireland Principle Investigator, has been awarded a €6 million grant from the European Commission.

The ADVOCATE project (Added Value or Oral Healthcare), which will be funded under the Horizon 2020 grant programme, will focus on developing and comparing new models for safe and efficient prevention oriented and patient centred health care systems.  ADVOCATE was one of 5 projects chosen by the EU from 107 applications.

This 4 year project, on which Dr Woods is the Ireland PI in collaboration with Professor Helen Whelton, Dean of the School of Dentistry, University of Leeds, is a partnership between the Universities in Cork, Leeds, Amsterdam, Budapest, Copenhagen and Heidelberg, the NHS along with insurance companies in Ireland, Germany and the Netherlands.

The aim of ADVOCATE is to optimise delivery of oral health and wellbeing to the population in EU Member States. This requires a change in oral health care delivery towards prevention. The change will be achieved by developing a model that promotes a preventive rather than restorative oral health care system: The oral health care model 2020. As the oral health care delivery system is not as overly complex as other health care systems, the oral health care model 2020 may serve as a blueprint for other health care system reforms.

The development of this model requires intensive information exchange and engagement of stakeholders to establish a set of key-indicators. These indicators will be used to benchmark health care performance on practice as well as system level. Two types of evidence-based indicators will be selected: Quantitative and qualitative indicators that allow measuring and influencing of either intrinsic motivation or extrinsic motivation incentives towards a patient centred, resilient and prevention oriented oral health care system. ADVOCATE will test this model in a natural environment, and provide evidence-informed policy measures towards its implementation, both for oral health care systems as well as other health care systems.

For further information, please contact Noel Woods –

Centre for Policy Studies

Ionad Staidéar Beartas

University College Cork, 5 & 6 Bloomfield Terrace, Western Road, Cork
