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UV4Plants Workshop 2019

26 Feb 2019
UV4Plants Workshop 2019

UV-B and Climate Change; impacts on plants and vegetation

Announcing a small, discussion-intensive workshop that will focus on the interactive effects of UV-B and climate change on plants.

Where: Cork, Ireland

When: April 15-16, 2019

You are warmly invited to participate in a workshop organised under the auspices of UV4Plants, the International association for plant UV research. The meeting will take place at University College Cork, Ireland. The main organiser is Prof. Marcel Jansen (UCC), and the scientific committee comprises Prof. Éva Hideg (University of Pécs, Hungary) and Prof. Otmar Urban (CzechGlobe, Brno, Czech Republic).

Workshop programme

The objective of the workshop is to bring together plant scientists with an interest in the interactive effects of UV-B and climate change parameters on gene-expression, molecular signalling, anti-oxidant-defences, physiology, growth, fitness and ecology of plants. Of special interest are talks on the combined effects of UV-B and environmental variables, such as drought, extreme temperatures, or photoinhibitory light and on the potential role of UV-B radiation in climate change adaptation.

We are pleased to host four invited keynote lectures as part of the workshop:

• Prof. Juergen Kreyling (Greifswald University, Germany) on experimental design of multifactorial experiments (see his recent paper Kreyling et al. “To replicate, or not to replicate–that is the question: how to tackle nonlinear responses in ecological experiments”. Ecology Letters 2018)

• Prof. Ivan Couée (University of Rennes, France) on environmental sensing of climate change by plants (see his recent paper; Bigot et al. “Pivotal roles of environmental sensing and signaling mechanisms in plant responses to climate change”. Global Change Biology 2018).

• Dr Matt Robson (University of Helsinki, Finland) on the latest UNEP-EEAP report entitled “Linkages between stratospheric ozone, UV radiation and climate change: Implications for terrestrial ecosystems”.

• Prof. Otmar Urban (CzechGlobe, Czech Republic) on interactive effects of UV-Radiation and atmospheric CO2 concentration (see recent paper Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 134, pp.20-30)

Apart from the keynote talks there will be opportunities for short talks (15+5 minutes) and speed talks (5 minutes) by delegates. Early stage researchers are encouraged to present their research. Discussions will, amongst others, focus on developing a predictive model for the interactive effects of UV-B and climate change parameters on plants. This will be a small, discussion intensive 2-day meeting (oral presentations only), and the number of attendees will be limited to 30.

The meeting lasts one and a half days, starting Monday April 15 at 9am, and finishing Tuesday April 16 at 2pm. Participants are advised to arrive in Cork on April 14th.


Registration is by contacting Prof. Marcel Jansen at

Registration and Abstract forms are available for download below. Applicants are requested to send both forms to Prof. Marcel Jansen at not later than February 15, 2019. Following registration, participants will receive an invoice with instructions on how to pay registration fees by bank-transfer. Cash payment is possible in exceptional circumstances and only when agreed with Prof. Jansen in advance.

We encourage all attendees to submit an abstract and to present a talk. There will be no poster presentations. Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis, and those presenting a talk will receive preference.

The workshop fee is €145.- for UV4Plants members (€165.- for non-members) and registration is open until Monday, 1 April 2019. The fee covers the book of abstracts, three coffee/tea breaks, two lunches and a social dinner on Monday evening.

Location and venue

The workshop venue is at the North Mall Campus of UCC ( There are quite a few hotels in the vicinity of the workshop venue, including:
• Lancaster Lodge (
• Garnish House (
• River Lee Hotel (

There are direct flights to Cork from most major UK airports as well as from Amsterdam and Paris. Alternatively, there are direct (and considerable cheaper) flights to Dublin from most major European airports. From Dublin delegates can either take a direct, long-distance bus to Cork (every hour during the day, every two hours at night time) or a train (every hour during the day, requiring local bus journey to railway station). There is a range of different types of accommodation in Cork, and availability will not be a problem in the spring season.

REGISTRATION FORM - download (23 KB)

ABSTRACT FORM - download (22 KB)

INFORMATION - download the information from this page (171 KB)

Plant Stress Research Group

School of Biological Earth and Environmental Sciences | Enterprise Centre room 1.06b | North Mall Campus | University College Cork | Cork, Ireland,
