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Dr Patrick (Paddy) Harrison will co-chair the 6th Annual Dublin Cystinosis Workshop.

10 Jul 2020

Dr Patrick (Paddy) Harrison will co-chair the 6th Annual Dublin Cystinosis Workshop on Thursday 16th July 2020.


In 2015, with grant support from the Health Research Board, Paddy teamed up with Prof Don Cairns (Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen) and Cystinosis Ireland to launch the inaugural Dublin Cystinosis Workshop, which has now become an annual fixture in the International Cystinosis Research Calendar. 

Cystinosis is a rare genetic disorder affecting about 20 families in Ireland. Paddy has been involved in cystinosis research for more than 10 years with grant support from both Cystinosis Ireland and the Cystinosis Research Foundation (USA). He played an early role in developing gene editing for Cystinosis, which led to a long term collaboration with Dr. Jennifer Hollywood (a 2008 Physiology BSc graduate) to develop isogenic pluripotent cell models of Cystinosis at the University of Auckland Medical School. Dr Hollywood is one of the speakers at next week’s virtual conference.


Use of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Kidney Organoids To Develop a Cysteamine/mTOR Inhibition Combination Therapy for Cystinosis

Hollywood JA et al. (2020). J Am Soc Nephrol 31(5):962-982.



Physiology Department


Western Gateway Building Western Road University College Cork
