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PhD Trainee Jack Leacy delivers an Oral Communication at The Extreme Environmental Physiology Symposium

2 Sep 2019

Congratulations to PhD trainee Jack Leacy who delivered an oral presentation entitled “Cardiorespiratory hysteresis during incremental high-altitude ascent-descent quantifies the magnitude of ventilatory acclimatization in healthy participants” at the Extreme Environmental Physiology symposium, a meeting of the Physiological Society.

This symposium focused on human adaptation and function under the most severe climates and environments. Jack’s talk focused on the utility of a novel metric for tracking ventilatory acclimatisation during high-altitude exposure. Jack is supervised by Prof. Ken O’Halloran, Department of Physiology, and this work was carried out in collaboration with his co-supervisor, Dr. Trevor Day, Mount Royal University, Calgary, following an international research expedition to the Nepal Himalaya.


Physiology Department


Western Gateway Building Western Road University College Cork
