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Congratulations to Dr. Mark Rae on receiving an inaugural CoMH Interdisciplinary Seed (CiSA) Award

10 Sep 2019

Dr. Mark G. Rae and Dr. Suzanne Timmons of the School of Medicine and the Department of Geriatrics in the Mercy University Hospital were one of the top 7 applications selected for funding under the newly created CiSA programme.

Their proposed project is “How does cerebrospinal fluid from Alzheimer’s disease patients affect human cortical forebrain cerebroid form and function?”

The College of Medicine and Health states that the remit of CiSA is to promote the development of clinical and nonclinical researcher collaborations within the UCC CoMH and the healthcare aligned services within the SSWHG and the Bons Secours Hospital, Cork. Increasing research collaborations with our clinical colleagues is paramount to UCC and is part of our vision for CoMH.

The generosity of corporate partners, including Boston Scientific, Pfizer, Laya Healthcare, and GSK has supported the College of Medicine and Health in creating the CiSA programme.


Physiology Department


Western Gateway Building Western Road University College Cork
