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International Hypoxia Symposium, Lake Louise, Canada

30 Mar 2015

Prof. Ken O’Halloran, David Burns (PhD trainee) and Andrew O’Leary (PhD trainee) attended the International Hypoxia Symposium at Lake Louise Canada in March 2015. 

Andrew received a College of Medicine & Health travel bursary in the amount of €1,000 to support his participation at the event. The group visited the Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary en route to the conference with both trainees invited to present their work as oral communications at a satellite symposium organised by Dr Fiona McDonald, University of Calgary.


The group presented two posters at Hypoxia:


Redox-dependent metabolic and functional remodelling in mouse diaphragm following chronic sustained hypoxia

Lewis P, Sheehan D, O’Halloran KD


Respiratory muscle weakness following acute sustained hypoxic stress in the mouse

O’Leary AJ, O’Halloran KD


Scheduled ski-breaks by the organisers ensured that there was lots of hard work (slopes) to go with all the fun (conference)!

Physiology Department


Western Gateway Building Western Road University College Cork
