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Ageing & Degeneration – A Physiological Perspective

16 Apr 2015

The Physiological Society hosted a two-day international conference at the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh, Scotland focussing on ageing and degeneration. 

The conference was a celebration of The Society’s theme of Understanding Ageing in 2015. The second instalment in a new series of topic-style meetings, to complement The Society’s main annual meeting, was hosted by The Society’s Meetings Secretary, Professor Ken O’Halloran. More than 140 scientists from Dunfermline to Dunedin (New Zealand) enjoyed an action-packed programme with contributions from established and emerging leaders in the field. Professor David Wyllie and Dr. Jane Haley (University of Edinburgh) hosted a wonderful dinner on the eve of the conference for Society representatives and staff consisting of the requisite haggis, neeps and tatties washed down with a wee dram!

Physiology Department


Western Gateway Building Western Road University College Cork
