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Oxford Conference on the Control of Breathing, Sydney, Australia

31 Oct 2014

Prof. O’Halloran, Dr. Deirdre Edge, David Burns (PhD trainee) and Andrew O’Leary (PhD trainee) attended the Oxford Conference on the Control of Breathing in Sydney, Australia in October 2014. 

The group presented two oral and two poster communications:


Chronic intermittent hypoxia - the perfect storm for respiratory control

O’Halloran KD


Effects of acute sustained hypoxic stress on sternohyoid and diaphragm muscle function in the mdx mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Burns D, O’Malley D, O’Halloran KD


Differential sarcoplasmic reticulum gene expression in mouse respiratory and limb muscle following exposure to acute sustained hypoxia

O’Leary AJ, O’Halloran KD


Sternohyoid motor unit properties and recruitment during airway obstruction in the anaesthetised rat: effects of chronic intermittent hypoxia

Edge D, Bradford A, Jones JF, O’Halloran KD


Dr. Jayne Carberry, a former PhD trainee with Prof. O’Halloran, provided a tour of the sleep research laboratories at the Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) Institute where she is a postdoctoral trainee in Dr. Danny Eckhart’s group. 

Physiology Department


Western Gateway Building Western Road University College Cork
