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Seminars 2018/2019

'Careers in Industrial Physics' Seminar Highlights

11 Mar 2019

A fantastic seminar given by Micheal O'Gorman and Áine Davis about Careers in Industrial Physics.

With a bachelors in Electrical Engineering, a Masters in Applied Physics and a PhD in Plasma Physics from UCC, Micheal O'Gorman came armed with a good understanding of how Physicists and Engineers need to work together to solve industrial issues. Áine Davis, as a recently hire, gave a refreshing insight into working in Industrial Physics.

Both Micheal and Áine work at Firecomms, a local Cork company, which is a global leader in the provision of fiber optic solutions and optical transceivers. Michael underlines the vital role Physicists play in designing these solutions saying "Physicists see the invisible", electromagnetic radiation. EM interference play a massive role in communications present in technology such as MRI machines and high speed trains. Firecomms have developed vital components that are immune to this interference and this has helped propel them from a spin out from Tyndall Institute to the global company it is today.

Learn more about Firecomms here and if you are interested in a career in Industrial Physics check out UCCs undergraduate course.

School of Physics

Scoil na Fisice

Room 213 (Physics Office), 2nd floor, Kane Science Building, University College Cork, Ireland.,
