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Professor Stephen Fahy recognised for outstanding achievements in Physics

3 Sep 2018
UCC scientist honored at SFSB Conference

UCC scientist honored at SFSB Conference

The SFSB conference celebrated the sixtieth birthday of Stephen Fahy.The two-day conference was held in honour of his contribution to education, science and scientific research and was hosted at the Tyndall National Institute.

Professor Fahy joined the University College Cork Physics Department in 1993, following positions at the University of Michigan and Bell Labs. He completed his PhD in 1987 in the Physics Department at University of California, Berkeley.He has a stellar career in research having been awarded four consecutive SFI Principal Investigator awards amongst others.

Prof. Fahy has made numerous contributions to condensed matter physics across topics including semiconductor transport, scattering theory, materials under ultrafast excitation, and quantum Monte Carlo calculations. Scientists from around the world came to Cork to mark the vast contribution to science, research and education of the UCC physicist.

Describing Professor Fahy as “a wonderful educator, a researcher of the highest calibre, and a great friend,” UCC President Patrick O’Shea added: “Stephen is curious and self-effacing, creative and erudite, a gentleman and a scholar, and a great explainer of all things complex.”

School of Physics

Scoil na Fisice

Room 213 (Physics Office), 2nd floor, Kane Science Building, University College Cork, Ireland.,
