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Physics Prize

26 Nov 2020

Annual presentation contest hosted by the Physics and Astronomy Society involving our undergraduate students and lecturers.  

Every year Physics students take on the lecturers and prepare and present a short presentation on any aspect of physics. It's a great opportunity for students to practice presentation skills and talk about something that is interesting to them.  They can make it as light hearted or serious as they like and cash/voucher prizes were up for grabs! 

Here are some of the lecturers and students involved in this years Physics Prize event

Speakers and Judges image


1st prize went to Adam Morris

Presentation slide


2nd prize went to Cian McDonnell

Presentation slide


Best 1st year presentation went to Sarah Kate Sweeney

Presentation slide


Well done to all! See below for some other great presentations that were given also on the day:


Stephen O'Riordan 

Presentation slide


Presentation slide

Presentation slide





School of Physics

Scoil na Fisice

Room 213 (Physics Office), 2nd floor, Kane Science Building, University College Cork, Ireland.,
