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John A. Delaney Memorial Prize Giving

20 Sep 2023

The School of Physics would like to congratulate the Undergraduate students who won the John A. Delaney Memorial prize in 2021, 2022 & 2023. 

A prize is awarded to commemorate Dr. John A. Delaney, College Lecturer in Physics from 1971 until his untimely death in 1999 each year. 

The prize, which consists of a certificate and the sum of €127 is awarded to an undergraduate student who has the best performance in Physics on their summer examination in their first year of study. The minimum qualifying standard is First Class Honours, or 70% aggregate marks, in the Honours Physics course module and the award is selected annually by examiners. 

Due to covid, on 20/09/2023, we got to celebrate the prize winners for the past three years and here they are: 


Emily Whitaker - now in fourth year Physics & Astro - pictured with Professor Stephen Fahy

Student with cert along side lecturer (book backdrop)







James Hennessy - now in third year Chemical Physics - pictured with Professor Stephen Fahy

Student holding cert with lecturer next to him (book backdrop)







Éamon Keating - now in second year Physics - pictured with Professor Stephen Fahy

Student with cert standing next to lecturer (book backdrop)






                     A very well done to all and we wish them the best of luck with their future studies and chosen career paths. 

School of Physics

Scoil na Fisice

Room 213 (Physics Office), 2nd floor, Kane Science Building, University College Cork, Ireland.,
