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An Introduction to Astronomy

5 Jul 2021
The ACEO - Introduction to Astronomy course run by Skellig Centre for Research & Innovation via the UCC Adult Continuing Education - ACE centre ran very successfully this year with 60 attendees. 
This course consists of contact hours, self-study, and time using telescopes to observe the night sky. It is taught for one weekend and located at the beautiful Valentia Island in Co. Kerry.
Topics include: An Introdcution to Astronomy by Professor Paul Callanan, Physics Department, UCC and Archaeo-astronomy by Michael Connolly, Kerry County Archaeologist. 
Due to its success in 2021, it will run again next year. .
Further information can be found here:
Some slides from the event: 
Constellations Slide
Telescopes Slide

Some feedback comments from the event: 

  • "Thanks for the excellent lectures Paul, very enjoyable course!"
  • "Thanks so much, it’s utterly fascinating!"
  • "Thank you very much, Paul, for a truly eye-opening and enjoyable series of lectures."

School of Physics

Scoil na Fisice

Room 213 (Physics Office), 2nd floor, Kane Science Building, University College Cork, Ireland.,
