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UCC Physics Graduate Profiles

Sorcha Healy, Data Analyst, McAfee

1 Jul 2019

[What appeals to you most about your current role?] "Relevance to real world, faster pace, applied role. Lots of data to play with."

Current job title:

Data Scientist


What appeals to you most about your current role?

Relevance to real world, faster pace, applied role. Lots of data to play with


Course/subjects studied in UCC and year of graduation:

PhD Physics 2003


What influenced or helped you decide to study this degree?

Personal love of problem solving and mathematics/physics


Most relevant main or subsidiary topic studied:



Best memory of UCC:

Physics staff minding my daughter while I visited my supervisor. Family atmosphere.


What role do you feel UCC played in getting you to where you are today?

High standard of theoretical physics tuition


Brief overview of work history (to highlight the path to where you are now):

  • Postdoc
  • Civil service (business skills)
  • Industry (data science)


What advice would you give to current students that are about to graduate/enter the job market?

Don’t narrow options too much or specialise too much too early. Job you do in the future may not exist yet. Pick up professional qualiifications where possible.


Any other comments you wish to share:

Stephen Fahy is the greatest influence on my career as someone who just takes an interesting problem and works with it, from finance to quantum mechanics to statistics.

School of Physics

Scoil na Fisice

Room 213 (Physics Office), 2nd floor, Kane Science Building, University College Cork, Ireland.,
