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UCC Physics Graduate Profiles

Frances Lordan, Senior Process Engineer at Intel Ireland

10 Mar 2022

"UCC instilled in me a sense of confidence and independence which has helped me throughout my PhD and my current role."

Current job title:

Senior Process Engineer at Intel Ireland


What appeals to you most about your current role?

  • Self-management
  • Problem-solving
  • New challenges every week
  • Fast-paced environment


Course/subjects studied in UCC and year of graduation:

BSc Physics 2009


What influenced or helped you decide to study this degree?

I enjoyed the problem solving elements of Maths and Physics in Secondary School. I also appreciated that there wasn't as much rote learning in these subjects compared to others.


Most relevant main or subsidiary topic studied:

Semiconductor Physics


Best memory of UCC:

Cups of tea and chats in our student house.


What role do you feel UCC played in getting you to where you are today?

UCC instilled in me a sense of confidence and independence which has helped me throughout my PhD and my current role.


Brief overview of work history (to highlight the path to where you are now):

2009-2013         PhD in Physics (nanotech) at UCD

2013-2014         Gap year travelling to India, South-east Asia and Australia

2014-2018         Process Engineer at Intel Ireland

2018-present      Senior Process Engineer at Intel Ireland


What advice would you give to current students that are about to graduate/enter the job market?

Use the careers office at UCC to find out about the options available to you.

For physics students, there are many opportunities in areas that may not be immediately obvious. My class of 2009 are working in fields including Finance, Engineering, Energy, Risk, Gaming, Academia, Scientific Publishing and Tech.

Don’t neglect soft skills such as presentation skills, people skills and general communication skills. No matter what area you find yourself in, these will benefit your career.


Any links to work profiles / LinkedIn etc you would like to share:


Any other comments you wish to share:

Enjoy your time at UCC!

School of Physics

Scoil na Fisice

Room 213 (Physics Office), 2nd floor, Kane Science Building, University College Cork, Ireland.,
