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UCC Pharmacy Welcomes First Year Students 

18 Sep 2023

A warm welcome to all our new Pharmacy students. 

On Monday, 18th September, we marked the start of an exciting journey for our new BPharm1 students as they begin their Pharmacy journey. Students were welcomed to the School by Prof. Brendan Griffin, Head of School, and Dr Lorraine Bateman, BPharm1 Year Coordinator. A number of Orientation sessions have been conducted, in conjunction with the College of Medicine and Health, in order to introduce them to the many aspects of student life and to the numerous initiatives that exist to enhance their experience at UCC, including: 

  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion 
  • Student Experience 
  • Bystander Intervention 
  • Therapy Dogs (they got to meet Remy!) 
  • Sustainability 
  • Student Support Services 


The School of Pharmacy presented each student with a personalised White Coat to mark the beginning of their exciting journey to becoming a Pharmacist. We wish them the very best. Go n-éirí go geal leo!

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
