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UCC Pharmacy Society Launches Live Perrigo Podcast Series with Guest Speaker Dan Sweeney

25 Oct 2023
Dan Sweeney and Conor McCarthy

UCC Pharmacy Society has launched a new series of live Perrigo Podcasts, where Chairperson Conor McCarthy will discuss topics of relevance to pharmacy students with various guest speakers in a series of ongoing episodes.

Conor McCarthy, Chairperson of UCC Pharmacy Society, led a discussion with Dan Sweeney and delved into topics such as lifestyle, exercise, diet and time management. Dan highlighted the importance of meeting both professional and personal commitments while prioritizing self-care and well-being. Strategies to manage stress levels, such as practicing mindfulness, engaging in regular physical activities and even unplugging from work-related activities when needed were discussed. Dan shared some of his past personal experiences with attendees and outlined some of the negative consequences burnout can lead to. Students were encouraged to explore practices that would help them find a work-life balance.

A Q+A session allowed Dan to share some more invaluable advice with students. A great night was had by all and the Pharmacy Society look forward to welcoming students and staff back to the next live Perrigo Podcast episode!

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
