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The School of Pharmacy was delighted to welcome Ms Esther Barry to speak to pharmacy students undertaking the Cardiovascular and Renal module in 3rd year of the programme.

10 Nov 2022
Pictured: Dr Margaret Bermingham, Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy, Ms Esther Barry, Irish Heart Foundation Heart Failure Support Group, Ms Muireann White and Mr Craig Connelly, 3rd year class representatives.

Ms Barry represented the Irish Heart Foundation Heart Failure Support Group in Cork and spoke about her experience of being diagnosed with a heart condition and her ongoing care.  The session highlighted the importance of keeping the patient at the centre of healthcare decisions and the important role of the pharmacist in supporting people with chronic conditions, including heart failure.

Sincere thanks to Esther and the Irish Heart Foundation.

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
