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PhD Researcher Jack Murray Awarded Fulbright Scholarship

20 Jun 2024

Jack Murray, a PhD researcher at the School of Pharmacy, has been named one of the 21 Irish Fulbright Awardees for 2024/2025. The award recipients were honored last week at a ceremony held at Iveagh House, the headquarters of the Department of Foreign Affairs.

The Fulbright Program is a prestigious international educational exchange initiative that promotes academic and cultural exchanges between the U.S. and other countries. Since 1957, this bilateral exchange program has been instrumental in strengthening Ireland-U.S. relations.

As part of his Fulbright Scholarship, Jack will spend six months with Professor James Polli at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, which hosts a range of FDA-funded research centers. His research will focus on developing novel computational methods to support the clinical translation of challenging drug candidates, with an emphasis on generating formulation and pharmacokinetic prediction models.

Jack's PhD research is supervised by Professor Brendan Griffin, Dr Patrick O’Dwyer, and Dr Harriet Bennett-Lenane, and is funded by the Irish Research Council.

Congratulations to Jack on this impressive achievement.

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
