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PharmSoc Hosts its Annual Careers Event

14 Nov 2022
From left: Dr. Aoife Fleming, Conor Phelan, Keeva McCarthy, Emmerencia Atowo, Michael MCCarthy and Daragh Connolly. Aine O’Reilly presented remotely.

UCC’s Pharmacy Society (PharmSoc) hosted their annual Career’s Talk on Wednesday evening, 2 November.  The event is a highlight in PharmSoc’s annual calendar and is organised for undergraduate students of the Pharmacy School to showcase the diversity and versatility of positions and career paths that a pharmacy qualification can provide.

This year’s speakers included

  • Emmerencia Atowo (founder and Director of Irish Locums Recruitment),
  • Keeva McCarthy (Quality Assurance Chemist, Pfizer),
  • Conor Phelan (joint owner of the Phelan’s Pharmacy Group),
  • Daragh Connolly (ExOfficio President of the Irish Pharmacy Union and community pharmacy owner),
  • Aine O’Reilly (Senior Pharmacist, South Tipperary Enablement Programme (STEP) for the older person, South Tipperary General Hospital),
  • Michael McCarthy (Senior Consultant, Health Economics and Market Access, IQVIA), and
  • Aoife Fleming (Lecturer of Clinical Pharmacy, University College Cork).


Each speaker charted their career to date and the doors that having a pharmacy degree opened for them. Their presentations were followed by a panel discussion with topics of concern and interest such as codeine guidelines and the expanding role of the pharmacist being discussed.

PharmSoc would like to thank all our very talented and experienced speakers for their contributions and for providing students with the opportunity to network and expand their knowledge!


School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
