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School of Pharmacy Open Day

12 Jan 2012

The School of Pharmacy at University College Cork held its annual open day on January 5th 2012.  It is an event specifically geared towards helping senior cycle secondary students who may like to pursue a career in pharmacy.  Not only are the students provided with detailed information about the Pharmacy Course in UCC (CK703); they are introduced to the core degree subjects; they put some of this knowledge to use in laboratory sessions and they get to meet the School staff.  This year the 61 attendees were introduced to tablet making, they synthesised a drug substance and they provided diagnosis for symptoms in a hypothetical patient. 

After lunch, there were short presentations from current Pharmacy students who related their experience to date and gave some advice for the transition to third level.  Finally, the day was closed by Head of School, Professor Caitriona O’Driscoll with a question and answer session.

Student feedback was very positive with 80% reporting that the day’s experience would encourage them to study Pharmacy.  A majority responded that the course was much more varied than they would have expected and many expressed surprise at the breadth of career possibility.

We look forward to seeing some of these students in the B.Pharm. first year class of September 2012 !

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
