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Dr Jianfeng Guo was awarded the 2015 Novartis-HAI Fellowship at the Haematology Association of Ireland (HAI) Annual Meeting in Galway on Saturday 17th October.

23 Oct 2015
Prof Caitriona O'Driscoll, Dr Jianfeng Guo & Prof Mary Cahill

This award was founded by the Novartis Educational Bursary with the purpose of recognising the academic excellence of young scientists working in basic or clinical research in a haematology related field in Ireland. 

Dr Jianfeng Guo was granted this award (€10,000) for his application entitled ‘Small interfering RNA (siRNA) inhibits relapsed acute myeloid leukaemia via BRD4 knockdown’ which achieved the highest score by HAI expert reviewers. This research project will be carried out under the joint supervision of Professor Caitriona O’Driscoll in School of Pharmacy, UCC and Professor Mary Cahill in Department of Haematology, CUH.

Since 2013 Dr Guo has been working under the supervision of Professor Caitriona O’Driscoll where he secured a Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship funded by Irish Research Council. The School of Pharmacy is delighted that Dr Guo received such recognition from the HAI.

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
