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Boosting student success: Pharmacy staff review effective learning strategies at CoMH Learning and Teaching Showcase

30 Jun 2023
Dr Suzanne McCarthy and Ms Lisa Buckley, Boots Pharmacy

College of Medicine and Health's Learning and Teaching Showcase, held 16 June 2023 in the Pharmacy Building, featured two presentations by School of Pharmacy academics that highlighted progressive approaches to student learning.

The first presentation, led by Dr Harriet Bennet-Lennane and Dr Laura Sahm, in collaboration with academics from the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences and the School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, delved into an Interprofessional Learning (IPL) session focused on the interdisciplinary management of patients with Dysphagia. This session, delivered to third-year pharmacy, dietetics, and speech and language therapy students, emphasized the importance of collaboration among different disciplines and showcased the positive impact of student feedback on enhancing the overall learning experience.

In the second presentation, Dr Suzanne McCarthy and Ms Lisa Buckley shared their work on innovative delivery of pharmacy practice teaching. The pharmacy practice module incorporated various teaching methods, including pre-recorded video lectures, the flipped classroom approach, and team-based learning. They emphasized the positive outcomes observed for both students and staff through the implementation of team-based learning, which not only deepened students' understanding of pharmacy practice but also fostered a supportive and collaborative learning environment.

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
