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Applications are open for the PG Dip in Pharmaceutical Regulatory Sciences

13 Jul 2022
Tara Flaherty

Applications close on the 31st of July for the 2022/23 intake for the PG Dip in Pharmaceutical Regulatory Sciences ( Subsided fees are available as part of the Human Capital Initiative (full details on subsidies available please see 'What will it cost?'

Graduates from this course are working a wide variety of roles in multinational pharmaceutical companies in areas such as Quality Assurance, Regulatory, Sales and Technical Services. 81% of graduates from the 2020/21 cohort secured a new role after completing the programme

94% rated the course as 4 or 5 stars. A few graduates have kindly shared their experiences on this course:
Tara's story:
Jerry's story:

If you have any questions about the course, contact Dr Patrick O'Dwyer (

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
