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Another Successful Year for PharmSoc!

12 Apr 2022

As the 2021/2022 academic year nears its end, PharmSoc (UCC’s Pharmacy Society) looks back at its events and successes.

The Pharmacy Society was back in full swing this year with the return of in person events! The year began with Societies Day, Freshers Fest, Year 2 Fest, a Welcome Back Quiz as well as the well-known surviving semester talks for 1st to 4th years. We were delighted to bring back in-person buddy meetings which we are proud to say were attended by over 80 people. First year students got the opportunity to meet their second year buddies and make up a blister pack together as an ice-breaker! The highlight of welcoming first year students was without a doubt a social night in Flannery’s which took place in early October.  

What would the Pharmacy Society be without educational talks? Throughout the year we invited experts to share their knowledge on many different topics such as ostomy, vitamins & minerals, addiction, MPS dispensing, Pharmacy in France as well as the annual Careers Talk. The Careers Talk once again proved itself to be a great success and students appreciated the opportunity to listen to and interact with six speakers. All speakers had experience working in different parts of the pharmaceutical sector and gave students an insight into the different paths that led them to where they are today.  

Semester 2 began with planning for our annual Perrigo Scholarship competition, which saw pharmacy students create inspiring videos on ‘Pharmacy Heroes of the Pandemic.’ Mr. Paul Hatton, Perrigo’s National Field Sales Coordinator gave a talk in the UCC School of Pharmacy where he got the opportunity to meet last year’s winners as well as announce this year’s title.  

The final event of the year ran by the society was the long-anticipated Pharmacy Ball in the Clayton Silver Springs Hotel, which without a doubt was an unforgettable night for three-hundred pharmacy students. The night began with a three-course meal, followed by the presentation of awards which included the Athena Swan EDI award presented to this year’s recipient Siobhán Nestor by Professor Brendan Griffin. The night ended with live music and dancing where students got to celebrate another successful year! 



2021 MPharm Conferring

Autumn Conferring Ceremony, University College Cork, Friday 5th November 2021

2021 PhD Conferrings

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
