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Welcome Dr Cathal McCarthy

1 Aug 2018
Dr Cathal McCarthy being welcomed by Professor Thomas Walther

Dr. Cathal McCarthy has recently been appointed a Lecturer in Pharmacology and Therapeutics where he will be lecturing on the new BSc in Medical & Health Sciences.  Dr McCarthy is also Principal Investigator of both the HRB-funded COMRADES Study: MitoChondrial DysfunctiOn and Metainflammation in PRe-eclampsiA and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, and also the HRB-funded DIVINE study; “Dysfunctional mItochondria proVokes Inflammation iN prEeclampsia”

Dr McCarthy graduated with a B.Sc. Microbiology from University College Cork. He then undertook his PhD studies in Vascular Biology in Dublin Institute of Technology, investigating the pathways modulating placental insufficiency in pre-eclampsia and IUGR.

Cathal’s postdoctoral studies in the School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Sciences in University College Dublin focused on the elucidation of novel atheroprotective networks mediating Conjugated Linoleic acid (CLA) induced regression of pre-established atherosclerosis using in vitro and in vivo models of disease. He joined INFANT in 2013 where the primary focus of his research has been establishing the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in perinatal complications. Cathal's research investigates the disruptive pathways causing pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes mellitus and the development of novel therapeutics to effectively treat these pregnancy complications.

Cathal’s research is interested in the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in utero, in particular the redox and inflammatory signalling cascades. Cathal is also interested in exploring therapeutic strategies of directly targeting mitochondria and determining their capacity to mediate the sophisticated signalling networks of the adipose-placenta axis in pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes mellitus.

Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Cógaseolaíocht agus Teiripic

Room 2.36B, 2nd floor floor, T12XF62
