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The British Pharmacology Society invites you to enter the Clinical Pharmacology Abstract Competition

19 Sep 2019

The British Pharmacology Society invites medical students from UK and Ireland to submit an abstract for the Clinical Pharmacology Abstract Competition taking place on the 15-17 December 2019 in Edinburgh.

Please note that deadlines for entry into the competition is Friday 25th October 2019 at 23:59 GMT

The British Pharmacology Society invites medical students from UK and Ireland to submit an abstract on the following topic.

Prescribing case reports on any clinical cases which have outcomes related to prescribing, prescription review, planning management, providing information, calculation skills, adverse drug reactions, drug monitoring, or data interpretation. In line with the Prescribing Safety Assessment Blueprint.

The authors of the top 5 abstracts will be invited to present at Pharmacology 2019, the flagship international meeting of the British Pharmacological Society. The invited presentations will be judged by a panel of Clinical Pharmacologists and the winner awarded the ‘Clinical Pharmacology Week National Winner Prize’ and £250 cash. The Presentation will be 5 minutes long with 2 minutes for questions.

The Society will cover travel expenses within the limits of our Expenses Policy. Please refer to the policy for details.
Pharmacology 2019 is held on the 15- 17 December in Edinburgh (Edinburgh International Conference Centre). For further details please go to Pharmacology 2019

Applicants must be medical students currently enrolled in the UK or Ireland.

Please complete the [Competition Form] as per the instructions below:

Introduction This should be no more than a sentence outlining why the case report is important.

Case Report Describe the history, examination findings, investigations and treatment.

Discussion Start by briefly expanding on your introduction, explaining why your particular case is important, and of the interest of the reader. Next, sum up the current literature related to the case. Describe what has already been reported about your topic, and the main hypotheses and theories are that explain your clinical findings. Finally describe in detail the message that you are conveying through the report. Focus on the lessons that should be learnt
from your experience, and how this affects future clinical practice.

Learning points Succinctly summarise the key messages in three to four bullet points

Submit the abstract by emailing the completed form to

Deadline for entry into the competition is Friday 25 October 2019 at 23:59 GMT

Finalists will be notified by Friday 8 November 2019

The Presentation
The top 5 abstracts will be invited to present at Pharmacology 2019. The presentation must be 5 minutes long and this will be followed by 2 minutes for questions. If you would like to use visual aids (e.g Powerpoint presentation) then this will have to be sent to prior to the conference.

To withdraw your abstract once the submission deadline has passed, please contact

Membership to the BPS is free for the duration of your undergraduate studies. In joining the British Pharmacological Society, you access a range of benefits, including: discounted rates to scientific meetings, bursaries, prestigious prizes and journal access.

Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Cógaseolaíocht agus Teiripic

Room 2.36B, 2nd floor floor, T12XF62
