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Ruslan Volkov won the British Pharmacological Society Undergraduate Pharmacology Prize

18 Nov 2022

Ruslan Volkov won the British Pharmacological Society Undergraduate Pharmacology Prize. 

The British British Pharmacological Society Undergraduate Pharmacology Prize is awarded every year. This prize celebrates final-year undergraduates studying pharmacology at universities in the UK and Ireland. Winners will receive £100. To be eligible for the prize students much take at least 50% of their final-year modules in pharmacology and have completed a final-year experimental project in pharmacology. 

Although students are nominated from University College Cork every year, this is the first year we had a cohort of students majoring in Pharmacology due to the BSc Med Health Science programme. As a result, Ruslan was the first UCC student to take home the prize. Pictured with coordinators Dr Roisin Kelly-Laubscher and Dr Cathal McCarthy , Ruslan and the Med Helath Science Class enjoyed a celebratory meal in the River Lee Hotel. 


Congratulations to Ruslan on what is set to be a bright future ahead in Pharmacology. 

Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Cógaseolaíocht agus Teiripic

Room 2.36B, 2nd floor floor, T12XF62
