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Professor Thomas Walther receives SFI Funding

3 Mar 2020
Professor Thomas Walther and Team

Congratulations to Professor Thomas Walther, the Head of Department for Pharmacology and Therapeutics for receiving €889 308.00 funding from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI).

This project is part of a joint application under the umbrella of the US-Ireland R&D Partnership Programme.

The project in collaboration with Dr Ana Rodriguez (NYU) and Professor Alan Stitt (Queens College, Belfast) will investigate the role of the AT2 receptor Forin cerebral malaria.

Professor Thomas Walther and his team are very excited to have been awarded this project.

The team from left to right:

Jeff Hong-Jie Soh, Dr Gary Grant, Dr Anja Tetzner, Professor Thomas Walther, Hazal Yilmaz, Francesca Falsone and Dr Juliana Lech Bernardoni.


Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Cógaseolaíocht agus Teiripic

Room 2.36B, 2nd floor floor, T12XF62
