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Newly appointed lecturer is welcomed by Professor Thomas Walther

18 Mar 2015
Professor Thomas Walther welcomes Dr Rajesh Kumar to the Department

Dr Rajesh Kumar has been appointed as to the Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics as a lecturer in Clinical Pharmacology.

Dr Rajesh Kumar commenced his appointment at the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics - School of Medicine, UCC on 18th March. Rajesh obtained a medical degree from Karachi University in 1999. He has completed internal medicine training in UK, Denmark and received PhD from University of Lund, Sweden in 2011. Rajesh's research interests are to investigate the role of G-protein-coupled receptors in islet functionandidentify novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of type II diabetes and obesity.​


Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Cógaseolaíocht agus Teiripic

Room 2.36B, 2nd floor floor, T12XF62
