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Congratulations Sara Coffey

31 Jul 2017
Sara Coffey awarded BPS Prize for best performance at Prescribing Safely Assessment in UCC 2017

Sara Coffey has been awarded the prize for best performance by a UCC medical student at the Prescribing Safely Assessment (PSA) 2017.  Over 80 candidates sat for the PSA in 2017. 

The PSA has been developed by the British Pharmacological Society and the Medical Schools Council (UK) in order to allow candidates to demonstrate their competencies in relation to the safe and effective use of medicines. 

For more on this story contact:

Mary O'Donovan (E: T: + 353 (0) 21 420 5947)

Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Cógaseolaíocht agus Teiripic

Room 2.36B, 2nd floor floor, T12XF62
