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Colm McElwain and Andrea Musumeci Presentations at the American Society of Reproductive Immunology Conference

31 May 2022

Colm McElwain and Dr. Andrea Musumeci from Dr. Cathal McCarthy’s lab both presented at the American Society of Reproductive Immunology (ASRI) 41st Annual Meeting in Nashville last week.


Colm McElwain and Dr. Andrea Musumeci from Dr. Cathal McCarthy’s lab both presented at the American Society of Reproductive Immunology (ASRI) 41st Annual Meeting in Nashville last week.

American Society of Reproductive Immunology (ASRI), is very diverse research community and includes clinical and basic scientists in areas such as Molecular biology, Microbiology, Mucosal immunology, Genetics, Pediatrics, Infectious diseases, Endocrinology, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Pathology.


Colm presented on his HRB funded PhD research titled “ Mitochondrial Dysfunction drives a dysregulated inflammatory response in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus” and was delighted to be a recipient of an ARSI Travel Award.


Andrea presented his HRB funded work titled: “ Development of a flow-cytometry based platform for multiparametric analysis of systemic immune-metabolic dysregulations of pregnancy”

Well done to them both. 

Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Cógaseolaíocht agus Teiripic

Room 2.36B, 2nd floor floor, T12XF62
