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British Pharmacological Society (BPS) Early Career Abstract Competition

1 Jul 2020

The British Pharmacological Society and its Specialty Registrar Sub-Committee would be grateful if you could advertise the Early Career #ClinPharmWeek Abstract Competition.  This year we are celebrating the valuable work of medical students, internal medicine and core medical trainees and pre-registration pharmacists and pharmacists up to 2-years post qualification. The authors of the top 3 abstracts from each discipline will be invited to present at Pharmacology 2020, the flagship international meeting of the British Pharmacological Society. The invited presentations will be judged by a panel of Clinical Pharmacologists and the winner of each discipline awarded an ‘Early Clinical Pharmacologist Abstract Prize’ and the overall winner will receive £250.


Further details on how to enter can be found here.

Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Cógaseolaíocht agus Teiripic

Room 2.36B, 2nd floor floor, T12XF62
