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Anirudh Jaisimha successfully completed his PhD and passed his Viva Examination

3 May 2019
Anirudh Jaisimha

Anirudh Jaisimha celebrates with the UCC Pharmacology and Therapeutics Department after successfully completing his PhD and passing his Viva Examination.

Congratulations to Anirudh Jaisimha on successfully completing his PhD and passing his Viva Examination. Anirudh worked under the supervision of Dr. Barry Boland, and the title of his project was “Examining potential causes for neuronal dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease”. The external examiner for his thesis was Dr. Wendy Noble (Kings College London, U.K.) and the internal examiner was Dr. Yvonne Nolan (Dept. of Anatomy and Neuroscience, UCC). Celebrations all around for this wonderful achievement.

  Anirudh Jaisimha and Dr. Barry Boland his Lecturer in Pharmacology at UCC

Anirudh Jaisimha and Prof Thomas Walther are celebrating Anirudh's latest accomplishment of completing his PhD and passing his Viva Examinations

Anirudh Jaisimha and the UCC Pharmacology Department celebrating his latest achievement of completing his PhD and Viva Examinations

Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Cógaseolaíocht agus Teiripic

Room 2.36B, 2nd floor floor, T12XF62
