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Dr. Colm McElwain Celebrates Graduation and Unveils Groundbreaking Thesis on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

28 Jun 2023

The Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics at University College Cork proudly congratulates Dr. Colm McElwain on successfully defending his doctoral thesis titled "Characterisation of the Role of Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Meta-inflammation as a Shared Pathogenic Network in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus." Under the guidance of Dr. Cathal McCarthy and Dr. Fergus McCarthy, Dr. McElwain's research has uncovered significant insights into the mechanisms underlying gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).

Gestational diabetes mellitus, a prevalent complication affecting approximately 15% of first-time mothers, poses considerable health risks during pregnancy. Dr. McElwain's thesis showcases extensive evidence of metabolic dysfunction and inflammation within the maternal circulation, omental visceral adipose tissue, and placental tissue of women diagnosed with GDM. The findings shed light on defects in adipocyte expansion, impaired insulin signal transduction, as well as placental and systemic mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation, which play crucial roles in the pathophysiology of GDM.

This groundbreaking research expands our understanding of the shared pathogenic network in GDM, offering a promising avenue for the development of targeted therapeutic interventions. By elucidating the intricate interplay between mitochondrial dysfunction and meta-inflammation, Dr. McElwain's work opens up new possibilities for alleviating adverse maternal outcomes associated with GDM.

The exceptional achievements of Dr. McElwain were made possible through his dedication and the invaluable support of his supervisors, Dr. Cathal McCarthy and Dr. Fergus McCarthy. Their guidance and expertise have significantly contributed to the advancement of knowledge in the field of pharmacology and therapeutics.

The Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics commends Dr. McElwain on his remarkable accomplishment and acknowledges the importance of his research within the scientific community. The groundbreaking findings presented in his thesis provide a solid foundation for future investigations and pave the way for the identification of potential therapeutic targets.

University College Cork and the Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics extend their heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Colm McElwain on this significant milestone. His success serves as an inspiration to aspiring researchers and highlights the department's commitment to fostering excellence in academic pursuits.

The department eagerly anticipates the continued contributions of Dr. McElwain to the field of pharmacology and therapeutics, and the potential impact his research may have on improving the lives of individuals affected by gestational diabetes mellitus.

Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Cógaseolaíocht agus Teiripic

Room 2.36B, 2nd floor floor, T12XF62
